Christmas Cheer & New Year Goals 2019/2020
Want to keep looking and feeling your best throughout Christmas and into the new year? Are you worried about eating too much? Running out of time for exercise? Thinking it’s fine, in the new year I will set new goals?
These are all normal thoughts and feeling coming into this season, we have compiled a list of helpful hints to assist with your festive fears!
- When selecting your Christmas plate of food, select plenty of vegetables and salads and have a standard portion of meat, not a huge plate full. If dressings are on the side, keep them on the side!
- Limit fizzy drinks and alcohol, and swap out every second glass for a glass of water.
- Enjoy all the yummy treats, but just have one instead of eating lots before the big meal!
- If you are asked to take a plate of food, take a veggie platter with your favourite dip, a fruit platter, some sushi or some bliss balls.
- Try to keep up your 10,000 steps for the day.
- Busy day ahead? Wake up 30 mins early and go for a family walk before a busy day.
New year resolutions are in sight! But we say, don’t wait until the new year to make goals for walking or strict exercise and diet plans. Try making small achievable goals now! Get your steps in, eat small regular meals, do some gym classes, drink your 2L of water etc.
However if you are going to make new year resolutions, which can always be a bit of a fun, we recommend making achievable and realistic goals, so you won’t let yourself down! Start small, tick it off and make another goals slightly harder you will get there!
Some new year resolutions you could consider are:
- Taking some time out and doing something for yourself each day
- Finding a new hobby, it could be crafting, a new sport or baking
- Exercise 5 x per week
- Drink 2L of water per day
- Make family time, you could start by sharing one thing you are grateful for each day.
- Read a new book
No matter what you choose, enjoy your Christmas and have a great start to 2020!
If you need any help with Nutrition-see Alex, Chiro- See Paul, Myo-see Dan or Suzie.