Exercise during pregnancy do's and don'ts
Pregnancy is a treasured part of a lady’s life. Within a mums’ tum, is a deep bond with a baby that fills out for the rest of the mother child’s life together. Today’s blog looks at exercise and pregnancy, as it’s an important part of ensuring the best labour possible, with as minimal intervention as possible.
Here are some tips…
Exercise Do’s during Pregnancy:
Exercise is not only safe during most pregnancies, but it also may ease many pregnancy discomforts and possibly shorten your labour, delivery and recovery time.
1. Exercise moderately for at least 30 minutes on most days.
2. Stick with low-impact exercises such as walking, yoga and swimming.
3. Stay cool and drink plenty of water. Dehydration can lead to overheating, which is dangerous for the foetus. Drink water before, during and after exercise.
4. Prenatal yoga is a great way to stay flexible and strong. Stretch before and after exercise.
5. Build your body and core strength. Focus on your back, shoulders, pectorals (chest) and biceps so they’ll keep you strong enough to pick up and hold your baby as often as he needs you to.
6. Complete preventative urinary incontinence exercises every day. They’re simple: Repeatedly contract and relax your pelvic-floor muscles as though you’re stopping and starting the flow of urine.
7. See one of our chiropractors for a spinal check. The pelvis is pivotal in pregnancy and as chiropractors, we assess the pelvis on all our patients, whether pregnant or not. It is important to note that we alter technique according to the stage of the pregnancy.
Exercise Don’ts with Pregnancy
· Don’t work out to the point of exhaustion. Make sure you can still carry on a conversation while you’re exercising.
· Don’t keep exercising if you feel dizzy or lightheaded.
· Don’t get overheated. Avoid working out in hot environments; consider early-morning or evening walks or go to an air-conditioned gym.
· Don’t lift heavy weights, lie on your stomach or back, or use machines that require wearing a belt around your waist.
· Don’t tackle high-impact sports or activities in which you risk falling or injuring your abdomen, eg horseback riding.
See one of our Chiropractors for pre and post-natal spinal care. Call 9887 4144 or email us on info@bergamohealth.com.au